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 So not too long ago I decided to take a solo trip to Portland ,OR!
I have never really been out of town alone much less out of state , I was definitely nervous for multiple reason but I still got on the plane (wahoo!). 
Why portland you may ask ?
Well besides the fact I had a friend out there I really wanted to see, I really love the overall vibe it gives out. 
Plus I love portland weather !

I was fortunate enough to have the hospitality from a friend and a few others.
The house I stayed in was really beautiful in its own way , I guess I enjoyed it so much because it reminded me of my house when I was younger ,minus the cute chickens!
One of the days We decided to go to the Oregon zoo .
It was definitely  near the top of things I wanted to go to.
The Zoo was full of all types of animals I was really happy I got to see all my favorites.

I didnt get to explore downtown portland as much as I wanted but I have many plans to return to portland very soon to see what its about!

Portlands Best Biscuits & Gravy
Arleta Library Bakery Cafe
They most definitely were

My favorite food spot was definitely
 Blue star Doughnuts
Doughnuts are my weakness,So I just had to bring a box home when I left. 
Blue Star gives a lavish spin on doughnuts with flavors like 
Tiramisu,Creme Brulee,Matcha and my personal favorite, Blue Berry Burbon & Basil.

This trip came and went so fast I could barely wrap my head around the fact I'm already home. 
I thought I would take Portland by storm but, it looks likes it'll take me a couple trips and intense planning to really feel like I've gotten the overall Portland experience. I had so much fun and I cant wait to see this place again this winter! I look forward to experiencing the shopping more next time around hehe.
thanks again for reading !


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